Protected Sites by UNESCO


Welcome to a country where history, nature and culture come together in UNESCO World Heritage sites. South Africa offers exceptional treasures that bear witness to its rich past and natural splendour. Let’s dive into the magic of eight of these exceptional sites that set South Africa apart from the rest.

Veld Mokala Conservation Area National Park

Explore the vastness and diversity of Africa’s wildlife in this national park, where elephants, black rhinos and giraffes thrive in their unspoilt habitat.

Mapungubwe Cultural Landscape

Step back in time as you explore the remains of the ancient Mapungubwe civilisation, revealing its crucial role in the region’s trade and culture.

The Sterkfontein, Swartkrans, Kromdraai and Environs Hominid Site

Discover the roots of humanity in this region, where important palaeontological discoveries have been made, bearing witness to human evolution.

Richtersveld Cultural and Botanical Landscape Park

Soak up the exceptional beauty of the desert landscape, where the Nama communities preserve their cultural traditions.

The Old Kingdom of Swaziland

Explore the Lobamba royal complex, a testament to Swaziland’s ancient traditions, rituals and history.

Kirstenbosch Gardens National Park

Immerse yourself in the exceptional botanical gardens, home to a diverse collection of South African plants, offering a unique experience.

The Khomani Cultural Site

Explore the site that bears witness to the history, customs and deep connection of the Khomani San people with their ancestral land.

Robben Island Game Reserve

Discover the history of apartheid on this island, which was Nelson Mandela’s emblematic place of detention.

Cradle of Humankind

Delve into the heart of human evolution with the Cradle of Humankind, a site filled with limestone caves and fossil discoveries.

uKhahlamba Drakensberg Park

Witness dramatic cliffs, ancient rock art, and a diverse ecosystem in this park, showcasing the natural and cultural wonders of South Africa.

References : Web site UNESCO – Official National Parks
